I have two pieces in it. The one pictured is in the Main Auction and is called "The Way Home". It is an oil painting of my two grandchildren walking up our road in the late afternoon in Fall when the surrounding trees are glowing with color and the shadows are rich and deep...and we remind ourselves this is why we live here. We have been here for 40 years and have loved it since we moved here. We are surrounded by deer and moose and all the little animals that are fun.... but eat everything. It is sort of a love/hate relationship I guess. We are on the side of a mountain at the edge of the Valley so we have a little more snow but the views are beautiful

Another which I will be finishing in the "Quick Finish" portion there is called "Summer Afternoon at the Lake." It will be finished while the guests are watching, which provides an interesting chance for them to see how paintings happen. This is to be finished there but it had to be started pretty far ahead because it is layered with many glazes to convey the wateriness of it. However the color still needs a lot of balancing, as well as moving things around a bit. Paintings never come quickly to me so I need lead time..and thinking time. I also tend to talk too much to concentrate while demonstrating.
It should be a wonderful party at the Davenport Hotel here, which is such a beautiful
place. I will be back after it is all over to report. Nothing like this has occurred in the art world of Spokane in years.
The Auction catalog is available online at www.macartauctionspokane.org. It contains a
lot of beautiful work. They even have telephone bids and online bids available.